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Available Services For 60084 (unincorporated lake county)

Business & Construction Services

Residential Services

Unincorporated Lake County Residential Waste, Recycle & Yard Waste Collection Program


LRS is honored to be the exclusive waste service provider for homes in the Southwest and Southeast townships of Unincorporated Lake County. LRS is an independent service provider headquartered in Rosemont, IL. On behalf of our local team, we are proud to provide services for your home every week!


2024-25 RATES: STANDARD $21.27 PER MONTH (regardless of trash and recycling cart sizes)

SENIOR (65 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER with signed form available through paper mail, email and as a download below) $19.14 PER MONTH (regardless of trash and recycling cart sizes)

Unincorporated Lake County Senior Enrollment Form

: Should you need an additional waste (or recycling) cart, LRS will provide one at a cost of $3.20 per month, per cart.

Unincorporated Lake County residents in MORAINE, WEST DEERFIELD, VERNON, CUBA, WAUCONDA & LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP will be provided with one waste and one recycling cart at no cost. These carts will be serviced on a weekly basis, and residents will have the option to choose either a 95-gallon (standard size), 65-gallon or 35-gallon cart to use for both. Extra garbage bags that won’t fit into your cart should be placed next to your cart for curbside collection.

All carts should be placed at curbside no later than 7AM on your designated service day.


Bulk items are items that are too large to fit into your waste cart, and weigh less than 50lbs. Residents will be allowed to put out one bulk item per week curbside at no additional charge for removal. Beyond this, a sticker will need to be affixed to each item. Carpet rolls may be no longer than 4 feet and 18 inches in diameter and mattresses or box springs must be wrapped in plastic. If an item is too large or heavy, special collection arrangements may need to be made, and additional charges may apply.

Recycling Collection

LRS is one of the country’s leading providers of waste and recycling services. As is the case with your waste service, LRS will provide Unincorporated Lake County residents with one recycling cart at no cost. Sizes are 95-gallon, 65-gallon or 35-gallon. This cart will be serviced on a weekly basis on the same day as your waste service.

All carts should be placed at curbside no later than 7AM on your designated service day.

A list of acceptable and unacceptable items is included below, and will also be heat-stamped onto each recycling cart lid. Residents may place out as many recyclable items as they wish each week for collection. Though plastic bags are not accepted, residents may mix recyclables loose in the cart or place them in brown paper bags. Recyclable materials that won’t fit into your recycling cart may also be placed at the side of the cart. We do ask that larger or bulky boxes be broken down before collection.

Accepted Recyclables


Newspaper & inserts Magazines, catalogs & phone books Computer printouts Hanging file folders (remove metal and trash it) Glossy brochures Index cards Stationery Fax paper Envelopes Junk mail Cardboard boxes Brown paper grocery bags Office paper/notebooks Pastel sticky notes Greeting cards Manila Folders Chipboard/paperboard Paperback books

  • Recyclable items must be clean
  • NO used paper plates or pizza boxes, or fluorescent paper (they contaminate the paper stream with food, dye, or plastic coating) If pizza box top is clean you can tear it off and recycle it
  • NO paper towels, tissues, or napkins, which are not recyclable because the fibers are too small to reuse (please compost them with kitchen food scraps if possible)
  • NO shredded paper – Loose shredded paper causes major sorting problems in the recycling facilities
  • NO frozen food boxes, which are made of a hybrid of paper and plastic, and are not wanted by paper mills
  • NO paper cups, which are also made of a hybrid of paper and plastic rendering them unrecyclable

Plastic Containers

Plastic bottles, Plastic tubs and Plastic jugs

  • NO plastic bags or plastic film (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps)
  • NO plastic utensils or plates (plastic wraps, sandwich bags, freezer bags, tarps, cups, lids or straws)
  • NO candy wrappers, cereal bags, potato chip bags or snack bags
  • NO empty motor oil, pesticide or chemical bottles
  • NO Styrofoam, polystyrene (do not put in curbside bin)

Aluminum Cans & Foil

Aluminum cans, Aluminum foil, Pie plates & trays


Milk, Soup, and Juice cartons & Boxes

Steel tin / cans

Food cans & lids, Metal paint cans & lids and Empty aerosol cans

  • NO utensils, propane tanks, wire hangers or small appliances

Glass Bottles & Jars

All colors are accepted

  • NO window or auto glass, bakeware, ceramics, mirrors, light bulbs, coffee pots or drinking glasses

Yard Waste and Food Scrap Collection

LRS will provide seasonal yard waste collection with either stickers or an annual subscription program, from the first full week in April through the second full week in December. Residents may use and place out their own 35-gallon or smaller cans with yard waste, or brown kraft bags. User-owned cans should be clearly marked as “YW,” and may not weigh more than 50lbs (this weight limit also applies to kraft paper bags). Bundles of twigs sticks and branches may not exceed 4 feet in length and 18 inches in diameter. For our sticker program, one sticker would be required on each can, bag or bundled pile and our subscription program allows for pickup of up to 6 bags, cans or piles per week for an annual flat rate.

As part of Lake County’s new contract with LRS, residents may place organic material and food waste with the yard waste they set out for collection. Nearly 20% of all food waste ends up in landfills, so we encourage participation. There is more information on which types of food and organic material is acceptable on the below downloadable flyer.

Your yard waste service day will be on the same day as your waste and recycling.

In accordance with the Lake County website https://clean-air-lakecountyil.hub.arcgis.com/ , many of Lake County’s municipalities had already banned or restricted open burning to protect the health, safety and welfare of their residents. Regionally, Lake County had been the only county in the Chicago metro area without restrictions on burning yard waste throughout its unincorporated areas prior to the ordinance being passed in January 2022. Important aspects of Lake County’s open burning restrictions are:

  • Burning non-woody yard waste, such as leaves and grass, is prohibited.
  • Burning woody yard waste is allowed annually between Nov. 1 – March 31. Woody yard waste generally consists of sticks, branches and tree limbs.
  • Recreational wood-burning fires that are no larger than 3’ x 3’ x 3’ if used for warming, cooking, and other recreational purposes are permitted year-round. www.clean-air-lakecountyil.hub.arcgis.com

LRS will provide a free collection of Christmas trees annually from January 2nd through the 25th. There will be a limit of one tree per home, and only live Christmas trees will be accepted curbside for collection. Trees must be organic, and free of any tinsel, garland or ornaments. Please do not place trees in plastic bags. We kindly ask for any trees over 6 feet in length to please be cut in half to ensure a safe pickup.

Some appliances require special handling as they may contain harmful chemicals or they need to be recycled at a special location. Upon request, LRS will provide a collection of these major appliances. Residents simply need to call 844-633-3577  to schedule and pay for a white good appliance collection.

  • Air Conditioner
  • Clothes Dryer
  • Cook Top and Cooking Plate
  • Cooker or Bakers Oven
  • Dishwasher
  • Drying Cabinet
  • Freezer
  • Kitchen Stove or Oven Range
  • Microwave Oven
  • Refrigerator or Refrigeration equipment
  • Washing Machine
  • Water Heater

HHW products and items are flammable, toxic, corrosive and reactive, and can pose a harmful threat to the environment, workers and equipment if not handled properly. Items like old paint, pesticides, poisons, cleaning agents, old gasoline and oil and others should not be placed out for regular waste collection. LRS strongly suggests reaching out to SWALCO (Solid Waste Agency of Lake County) for direction on these materials.

Billing and Invoice Options

  • LRS bills in advance on a quarterly basis every January, April, July and October.
  • Invoices will be sent to your SERVICE ADDRESS unless you provide LRS with a different mailing address.
  • Paperless Billing is available by registering online at: LRSrecycles.com/pay-bill/
  • Pay your bill or select Auto-Pay online at:Payment.LRSrecycles.com/portal/templanding/
  • Mail Payment:
LRS PO BOX 554892 Detroit, MI 48255-4892 If you need assistance, please call or e-mail our customer experience department for assistance with paperless billing, paying your bill or registering for auto-pay at 844-633-3577  or  Service@LRSrecycles.com.

Available for purchase at the following locations or over the phone for a mail order (844-NEED-LRS) – $3.20 each and orange in color:

Ace Hardware – 155 Peterson Rd – Libertyville

Jewel – 150 W Main St – Barrington

LRS Service Garage – 1350 Old Rand Rd – Wauconda

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Email Customer Support


Click on form below to open or print

Senior Enrollment Instructions

LRS Unincorporated Lake County Customer Service Email

Responds Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM within 24 hours

Email your request or inquiry to Service@LRSrecycles.com

Please include the following information, if available:

    • Account number, if available
    • First and Last Name
    • Street Address
    • Phone Number
    • Preferred Contact
    • Your Inquiry, Request or Question

LRS Customer Service Phone: 844.633.3577

Downloadable/Printable Documents


Click to enlarge, print or save

Click to enlarge Spanish version, print or save


Click to enlarge, print or save 


Click to enlarge, print or save 


Electronic Waste Pickup Request


Household Hazardous Waste Pickup Request



Welcome To the Unincorporated Lake County Cart Selection Portal!

The default sizes for all homes are 95 gallons for waste and 95 gallons for recycling. Any requests made at this time for sizes different than the default, for removals of carts or for additional carts, will be granted curbside on weekdays, within 1-3 weeks of your request.

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Niles

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan - Recycling Service Areas - Cassopolis

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All

LRS - Michigan Recycling Service Areas - All